
Are Birds Or Land Animals Older By Creation

Living Dinosaurs or Just Birds?

Evolutionary enthusiasts today claim that y'all can see live dinosaurs hovering around the hummingbird feeder. What are the facts?

Published: five December 2006 (GMT+10)

So which is it? Kentucky Fried Chicken or Kentucky Fried Dinosaur? Should we really refer to songdinos instead of songbirds? In short, did some dinosaurs really evolve into birds?

Theropod dinosaurs share many skeletal similarities with birds. In addition, adequately recent fossil discoveries in China take caused evolutionists to claim that several theropods may have possessed feathers. So what makes a bird a bird and what makes a dinosaur a dinosaur?

Before we analyze the facts about theropods and birds, we need to put on our biblical glasses. God's Give-and-take tells us that He created all creatures as distinct kinds. Winged creatures, such every bit the various bird kinds, were created unique and fully formed on Day Five, while land animals, such as theropods, were created unique and fully formed on Day Six. Therefore, no evolutionary relationship exists between theropod dinosaurs and birds.

And there is an affluence of scientific bear witness to substantiate this claim. There is a biological chasm separating these wonderful creatures, one that can never be crossed past the bridge of evolution. Let's have a closer await!


In that location are ii groups of dinosaurs: 'bird-hipped' or ornithischian (including Stegosaurus, Camptosaurus, and Triceratops), and 'reptile-hipped' or saurischian (including T. male monarch and Brachiosaurus). However, birds are alleged to have evolved from the reptile-hipped dinosaurs, non the bird-hipped ones!1 So the similarity of hips of birds to bird-hipped dinosaurs is called a homoplasy, and attributed to convergent evolution.

But information technology's more than likely that the ornithischian dinosaurs shared a like pelvis design with birds because they all were fabricated past the same Designer. This would be consequent with the biotic message theory, as proposed by Walter ReMine in The Biotic Message. That is, the evidence from nature points to a single designer, but with a pattern which thwarts evolutionary explanations, such as widespread homoplasies.

Keeled Sternum

Flying birds oft possess a keeled sternum, which serves as an attachment point for the flight muscles. However, two non-flying terrestrial creatures accept been discovered with keeled sternums. Mononykus, a theropod dinosaur, shares this bird-like feature, and some evolutionists got excited nigh this credible support for their theories. However, then does the mole, a digging mammal, and many now believe that Mononykus was a digging dinosaur (encounter Flighty flap). Moles also accept wrist basic that are very bird-like as well. Information technology appears that a common Designer utilized a like design in different creatures.

Wing Claws

Ancient birds such as Archaeopteryx, Sinornis, and Confuciusornis had wing claws. Living birds such equally ostriches, emus, hoatzin, turacos, moorhens, and coots also possess wing claws, at least at some stage of their life, though they are dissimilar in shape and size.two Theropods did not have wings, but they had long, precipitous claws on their forelimbs. Claws do not define reptiles or birds.


Theropods had sharp, serrated teeth, while many ancient birds had small, peg-similar teeth. It is strange to think of birds having teeth, considering no living bird exists with teeth. However, extinct birds such as Archaeopteryx, Sinornis, Confusiusornis, Hesperornis, and Ichthyornis all had teeth. Mutations can cause some living birds to develop teeth—see Chickens with Teeth.

Not all reptiles have teeth. Turtles are toothless. The Pteranodon, an extinct flying reptile, did not accept teeth. Teeth are non defining characteristics of either birds or reptiles.


It is a common notion that dinosaur jaws evolved into bird beaks in order to lighten the load for flying. Yet, nosotros've already seen that some ancient birds possessed teeth. Bats are extremely capable flyers and they besides have teeth. Manifestly, the presence of teeth does not inhibit flying.

Beaks are lightweight, but some birds have huge, cumbersome beaks. The Indian hornbill, toucan, and pelican all have enormous beak sizes and they are still capable flyers.3

Beaks are unique structures and require a distinct genetic lawmaking to create. They are not modifications of scales effectually a reptile's mouth.

Shoulder Joints

Theropod dinosaurs did not have the anatomical mechanism in the shoulder joints to lift their forelimbs upwards. Birds can take off finer because of a sophisticated pulley system in their shoulder joints. Theropods did not have this mechanism, because they were non designed to fly.

I dinosaur, named Unenlagia, did have a highly mobile shoulder joint that was quite bird-similar. However, at over two.five m (8 ft) tall it was manner too large to lift off the ground.iv Without observational evidence, it is not known how Unenlagia may have used its unique shoulder articulation.


Feathers are not modified scales, nor do they grow out of scales. They are truly unique biological structures that require their own special design template. (See the department on feathers in chapter 4 of Refuting Evolution)

Today, nosotros just encounter feathers on birds. Of course, this does non hateful that in the by, just birds bore feathers. Some theropods may accept possessed feathers likewise, for all we know. However, despite enthusiastic evolutionary claims for 'feathered dinosaurs', to date no such claim has stood up; some so-called feathers are likely collagen fibres—see Dino feather folly). Note that if feathered dinosaurs were indeed to exist discovered in the fossil record, this would not be proof for dinosaur-bird evolution (see for instance 'BPM one three–13'—accept they finally found a truthful feathered dinosaur?). There are many creatures with unorthodox pare coverings. For example, the pangolin is a scaly mammal. The hairy frog is an amphibian that sports hair-like fibers on parts of its torso during mating flavour. Some fish and crustaceans also possess hair-similar filaments. It has often been claimed that extinct reptiles such every bit pterosaurs were covered in a thin layer of fur, though this view has been challenged. Why couldn't a dinosaur with, say, a layer of insulating feathers still exist a true dinosaur? A feathered dinosaur (if that were ever demonstrated) would be only another mosaic animal in God's amazing creation.


Like birds, theropod dinosaurs were bipedal. Based on skeletal design, theropods were likely fast and active on their two legs. Once over again, the Lord God utilized a common design blueprint when creating theropods and birds as singled-out kinds. But as Alan Feduccia, an evolutionary paleo-ornithologist who scathingly rejects the dino-to-bird dogma, says: 'It'southward biophysically impossible to evolve flying from such large bipeds with foreshortened forelimbs and heavy, balancing tails', exactly the incorrect anatomy for flight.5 Many creatures are bipedal. Apes possess some degree of bipedality (although not even the declared ape-adult female Lucy walked in any human way). Bears, raccoons, kangaroos, and other animals can move bipedally in their own unique ways.


The flow-through lung of a bird has no parallel in the animal kingdom. Its unique lung is vastly singled-out from the bellows (in-out) lung of a reptile. The reptilian lung is similar to the amphibian and mammalian lungs, but the avian lung stands solitary in the animate being world. See too Blown abroad past design: Michael Denton and birds' lungs.

The soft tissue remnants of a colon, liver, intestines, and abdominal musculus in the extinct theropod, Scipionyx, strongly suggest that theropods possessed a similar respiratory system to that of crocodiles and not birds. Information technology is inconceivable how a reptilian lung could alter into a bird lung—how would information technology breathe while the airflow direction changed? See besides Dinos breathed similar birds?


Dinosaurs laid eggs, as do birds. Fossil testify also suggests that some dinosaurs may have brooded their eggs in a similar manner to birds.

There is some other animal, not idea past evolutionists to exist in any fashion related to birds, that shares several reproductive features and habits with birds. The platypus, a bizarre mammal, builds a nest, lays a small clutch of eggs, and broods its young like birds. In add-on, the platypus possesses a system of ovaries that is very similar to that found in birds.six

Mitt Digits

After analyzing ostrich embryos, some scientists discovered that only digits ii, 3 and iv develop in the wings of birds. Theropod hands seem to take developed from digits ane, 2 and iii. This speaks strongly against one grouping beingness the ancestor of another. See Ostrich eggs break dino-to-bird theory.

Temporal Paradox

Using evolutionary methods and assumptions, the string of allegedly 'feathered dinosaurs' is dated as younger than birds such as Archaeopteryx, Sinornis, and even older than the 'first bird' (with a beak of the modern variety, minus teeth), Confuciusornis. Evolutionists take to exercise very fancy footwork to explain why we find the declared transitional forms millions of years afterward their supposed descendants.

According to the Bible, birds and theropods were created as different kinds that lived contemporaneously.

The Final Reply


We tin can safely conclude that people consume KFC, not KFD. We can notwithstanding refer to songbirds, not songdinos. Birds are not 'living dinosaurs', nor did they descend from dinosaurs.

Birds and dinosaurs are similar in some ways, merely vastly different in other means. The overall film confirms that birds and dinosaurs have always been singled-out creatures, simply every bit the Bible teaches.


  1. Sodera, V. One Small Speck to Man, p. 253 Return to text.
  2. Ref. 1, p. 239. Return to text.
  3. Ref. ane, p. 267. Return to text.
  4. Ref. 1, p. 247. Return to text.
  5. Cited past Ann Gibbons, 'New Feathered Fossil Brings Dinosaurs and Birds Closer', Science 274:720–721, 1996.
    Return to text.
  6. Erica Cromer, Monotreme Reproductive Biology and Beliefs, fourteen April 2004. Return to text.


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