
Are There Gay Animals In Real Life

The Animal Homosexuality Myth
In its effort to present homosexuality equally normal, the homosexual motion 1 turned to science in an attempt to testify three major bounds:
1. Homosexuality is genetic or innate;
ii. Homosexuality is irreversible;
3. Since animals engage in same-sexual practice sexual behavior, homosexuality is natural.

Keenly aware of its inability to prove the first two premises, 2 the homosexual movement pins its hopes on the third, "animal homosexuality". 3

Animals Practise Information technology, Then Information technology's Natural, Right?

The reasoning backside the "creature homosexuality" theory tin can be summed upward as follows:
• Homosexual behavior is observable in animals.
• Brute behavior is determined by their instincts.
• Nature requires animals to follow their instincts.
• Therefore, homosexuality is in accord with brute nature.
• Since man is also animal, homosexuality must too be in accordance with human nature.

This line of reasoning is unsustainable. If seemingly "homosexual" acts amongst animals are in accordance with beast nature, and so parental killing of offspring and intra-species devouring are too in accordance with animate being nature. Bringing human into the equation complicates things further. Are we to conclude that filicide and cannibalism are according to human nature?

In opposition to this line of reasoning, this article sustains that:

There Are No "Homosexual Instincts" in Animals

Anyone engaged in the most elementary animal ascertainment is forced to conclude that animal "homosexuality," "filicide" and "cannibalism" are exceptions to normal brute behavior. Consequently, they cannot be called animal instincts. These observable exceptions to normal animal behavior result from factors across their instincts.

Cat and mouse

Ambivalent Stimuli and Confused Animate being Instincts

To explain this abnormal behavior, the start observation must be the fact that animate being instincts are non bound by the absolute determinism of the concrete laws governing the mineral world. In varying degrees, all living beings tin can adapt to circumstances. They answer to internal or external stimuli.
Second, fauna cognition is purely sensorial, limited to audio, odor, touch, gustation and epitome. Thus, animals lack the precision and clarity of human intellectual perception. Therefore, animals frequently confuse one awareness with another or one object with another.

Tertiary, an creature's instincts direct information technology towards its end and are in accord with its nature. However, the spontaneous thrust of the instinctive impulse can suffer modifications as it runs its course. Other sensorial images, perceptions or memories can act equally new stimuli affecting the animal'due south behavior. Moreover, the conflict between two or more instincts can sometimes modify the original impulse.

In homo, when two instinctive reactions clash, the intellect determines the best course to follow, and the will then holds one instinct in bank check while encouraging the other. With animals that lack intellect and will, when 2 instinctive impulses disharmonism, the i nearly favored by circumstances prevails. four At times, these internal or external stimuli affecting an creature's instinctive impulses result in cases of creature "filicide," "cannibalism" and "homosexuality."

Animal "Filicide" and "Cannibalism"

Sarah Hartwell explains that tomcats kill their kittens after receiving "mixed signals" from their instincts:
Most female cats can switch between "play mode" and "chase way" in order not to damage their offspring. In tomcats this switching off of "hunt mode" may be incomplete and, when they get highly aroused through play, the "hunting" instinct comes into force and they may kill the kittens. The hunting instinct is so strong, and and then hard to switch off when casualty is present, that dismemberment and even eating of the kitten may ensue…. Compare the size, sound and activeness of kittens with the size, audio and activeness of casualty. They are both small, have high-pitched voices and motion with fast, erratic movements. All of these trigger hunting behavior. In the tomcat, maternal behavior cannot ever override hunting behavior and he treats the kittens in exactly the same way he would treat small-scale prey. His instincts are confused. 5
Lioness with cubsRegarding animal cannibalism, the Iran Nature and Wildlife Magazine notes: Cannibalism is most common among lower vertebrates and invertebrates, oft due to a predatory animal mistaking one of its own kind for prey. Simply it also occurs among birds and mammals, specially when food is deficient. 6

Animals Lack the Means to Express Their Affective States

To stimuli and clashing instincts, however, nosotros must add another factor: In expressing its affective states, an animate being is radically inferior to homo.
Since animals lack reason, their means of expressing their affective states (fear, pleasure, pain, desire, etc.) are express. Animals lack the rich resource at man's disposal to express his sentiments. Man can accommodate his way of talking, writing, gazing, gesturing in untold ways. Animals cannot. Consequently, animals oftentimes express their melancholia states ambiguously. They "borrow," so to speak, the manifestations of the instinct of reproduction to manifest the instincts of authorisation, aggressiveness, fear, gregariousness and so on.

Explaining Seemingly "Homosexual" Creature Beliefs

Bonobos are a typical instance of this "borrowing." These primates from the chimpanzee family engage in seemingly sexual beliefs to express acceptance and other affective states. Thus, Frans B. Thousand. de Waal, who spent hundreds of hours observing and filming bonobos, says:
In that location are two reasons to believe sexual activity is the bonobo'southward answer to avoiding disharmonize.
Outset, anything, not just food, that arouses the interest of more than ane bonobo at a time tends to result in sexual contact. If two bonobos arroyo a cardboard box thrown into their enclosure, they will briefly mountain each other earlier playing with the box. Such situations lead to squabbles in most other species. Merely bonobos are quite tolerant, possibly considering they employ sexual practice to divert attention and to diffuse tension.

2d, bonobo sexual practice oftentimes occurs in aggressive contexts totally unrelated to food. A jealous male might chase another away from a female, subsequently which the two males reunite and engage in scrotal rubbing. Or after a female hits a juvenile, the latter's mother may lunge at the aggressor, an action that is immediately followed by genital rubbing between the two adults. vii Like bonobos, other animals volition mount another of the same sex activity and engage in seemingly "homosexual" beliefs, although their motivation may differ. Dogs, for case, usually do so to limited dominance. Cesar Ades, ethologist and professor of psychology at the University of São Paulo, Brazil, explains, "When two males mate, what is present is a demonstration of power, not sex." viii

Jacque Lynn Schultz, ASPCA Animal Sciences Director of Special Projects, explains further:
Commonly, an united nations-neutered male dog will mount another male person canis familiaris every bit a display of social dominance-in other words, as a way of letting the other dog know who'due south boss. While not as frequent, a female dog may mount for the same reason. 9
Dogs will likewise mount one some other because of the vehemence of their purely chemical reaction to the smell of an heat female: Not surprisingly, the smell of a female dog in heat can instigate a frenzy of mounting behaviors. Even other females who are not in oestrus will mount those who are. Males will mount males who accept just been with estrus females if they notwithstanding bear their odor…. And males who catch wind of the estrus odour may mount the first thing (or an unlucky person) they come into contact with. 10
Other animals appoint in seemingly "homosexual" behavior because they neglect to identify the other sexual activity properly. The lower the species in the brute kingdom, the more tenuous and difficult to find are the differences between sexes, leading to more frequent confusion.

"Homosexual" Animals Exercise Non Be

In 1996, homosexual scientist Simon LeVay admitted that the evidence pointed to isolated acts, not to homosexuality:
Although homosexual behavior is very common in the animal earth, it seems to be very uncommon that private animals have a long-lasting predisposition to engage in such behavior to the exclusion of heterosexual activities. Thus, a homosexual orientation, if i can speak of such affair in animals, seems to be a rarity. 11
Despite the "homosexual" appearances of some beast behavior, this beliefs does not stem from a "homosexual" instinct that is function of animal nature. Dr. Antonio Pardo, Professor of Bioethics at the Academy of Navarre, Kingdom of spain, explains:

Properly speaking, homosexuality does not exist among animals…. For reasons of survival, the reproductive instinct among animals is ever directed towards an individual of the contrary sex. Therefore, an animal can never be homosexual as such. Notwithstanding, the interaction of other instincts (particularly dominance) can outcome in beliefs that appears to exist homosexual. Such behavior cannot be equated with an "beast homosexuality". All it ways is that animate being sexual behavior encompasses aspects beyond that of reproduction. 12

It Is Unscientific to "Read" Human Motivation and Sentiment into Fauna Behavior

Similar many brute rights activists, homosexual activists often "read" human being motivation and sentiment into animal behavior. While this anthropopathic approach enjoys full citizenship in the realms of art, literature, and mythology information technology makes for poor scientific discipline. Dr. Charles Socarides of the National Association for Research and Therapy of Homosexuality (NARTH) observes:
The term homosexuality should be limited to the human species, for in animals the investigator can ascertain only motor behavior. As soon equally he interprets the animate being'due south motivation he is applying human psychodynamics–a risky, if non foolhardy scientific approach. 13
Ethologist Cesar Ades explains the deviation betwixt man and animal sexual relations:
Man beings have sex ane way, while animals take it another. Human being sex is a question of preference where one chooses the most bonny person to have pleasance. This is non true with animals. For them, it is a question of mating and reproduction. At that place is no physical or psychological pleasure….The smell is decisive: when a female person is in heat, she emits a smell, known as pheromone. This scent attracts the attention of the male, and makes him want to mate. This is sexual intercourse betwixt animals. It is the police of nature. xiv
Even biologist Bruce Bagemihl, whose book Biological Exuberance: Animal Homosexuality and Natural Diversity was cited past the American Psychological Association and the American Psychiatric Association in their amici curiae brief in Fiftyawrence v. Texas and is touted as proof that homosexuality is natural among animals, is careful to include a caveat:
Any account of homosexuality and transgender animals is also necessarily an account of human interpretations of these phenomena.…Nosotros are in the nighttime well-nigh the internal experience of the animal participants: as a effect, the biases and limitations of the human being observer-in both the gathering and interpretation of data-come to the forefront in this situation.….With people we can often speak straight to individuals (or read written accounts)….With animals in contrast, we tin can often directly find their sexual (and allied) behaviors, merely tin just infer or interpret their meanings and motivations." 15
Dr. Bagemihl's interpretation, however, throughout his 750-folio book unabashedly favors the "creature homosexuality" theory. Its pages are filled with descriptions of fauna acts that would take a homosexual connotation in man beings. Dr. Bagemihl does not prove, however, that these acts have the same significant for animals. He merely gives them a homosexual interpretation. Not surprisingly, his volume was published past Stonewall Inn Editions, "an imprint of St. Martin's Printing devoted to gay and lesbian interest books."

Irrational Animate being Behavior Is No Pattern for Rational Man

Some researchers studying animal "homosexual" beliefs extrapolate from the realm of science into that of philosophy and morality. These scholars reason from the premise that if animals do information technology, information technology is according to their nature and thus is good for them. If it is natural and skillful for animals, they continue, information technology is also natural and morally good for human. Yet, the definition of man's nature belongs not to the realm of zoology or biology, just philosophy, and the determination of what is morally skillful for man pertains to ethics.

Dr. Marlene Zuk, professor of biology at the University of California at Riverside, for example, states:
Sexuality is a lot holonym than people desire to recall. You have this idea that the animal kingdom is strict, old-fashioned Roman Catholic, that they have sexual practice to procreate. … Sexual expression means more than making babies. Why are we surprised? People are animals. sixteen
Simon LeVay entertains the hope that the understanding of animal "homosexuality" volition help change societal mores and religious beliefs virtually homosexuality. He states: It seems possible that the study of sexual behavior in animals, especially in non-human being primates, will contribute to the liberalization of religious attitudes toward homosexual activity and other forms of nonprocreative sexual activity. Specifically, these studies challenge one detail sense of the dogma that homosexual behavior is "against nature": the notion that information technology is unique to those creatures who, by tasting the fruit of the tree of noesis, take alone become morally culpable. 17
Other researchers feel compelled to point out the impropriety of transposing creature beliefs to man. Although very favorable to the homosexual estimation of animal beliefs, Paul L. Vasey, of the University of Lethbridge in Canada, all the same cautions: For some people, what animals exercise is a yardstick of what is and isn't natural. They make a leap from saying if it's natural, information technology'due south morally and ethically desirable. Infanticide is widespread in the animate being kingdom. To jump from that to say it is desirable makes no sense. We shouldn't exist using animals to craft moral and social policies for the kinds of man societies we want to live in. Animals don't take care of the elderly. I don't particularly recollect that should be a platform for closing down nursing homes. 18
The animal kingdom is no place for man to seek a blueprint for human morality. That pattern, as bioethicist Bruto Maria Bruti notes, must exist sought in man himself: It is a frequent error for people to contrast human and animal behaviors, as if the ii were homogenous. …. The laws ruling homo behavior are of a dissimilar nature and they should be sought where God inscribed them, namely, in homo nature. 19
The fact that man has a body and sensitive life in common with animals does not mean he is strictly an animal. Nor does information technology mean that he is a half-brute. Man'due south rationality pervades the wholeness of his nature so that his sensations, instincts and impulses are not purely fauna but take that seal of rationality which characterizes them as human.

Thus, homo is characterized not by what he has in common with animals, merely past what differentiates him from them. This differentiation is primal, non accidental. Man is a rational beast. Man's rationality is what makes human nature unique and fundamentally singled-out from creature nature. twenty

To consider human being strictly equally an brute is to deny his rationality and, therefore, his free will. Likewise, to consider animals equally if they were human is to attribute to them a non-existent rationality.

From Science to Mythology

Dr. Bagemihl's Biological Exuberance enquiry displays his fundamental dissatisfaction with scientific discipline and enthusiasm for aboriginal mythology: Western science has a lot to larn from aboriginal cultures about systems of gender and sexuality… 21

To Western science, homosexuality (both beast and human) is an bibelot, an unexpected behavior that above all requires some sort of "caption" or "cause" or "rationale." In dissimilarity, to many indigenous cultures around the world, homosexuality and transgender are a routine and expected occurrence in both the human and animal worlds… 22

Most Native American tribes formally recognize-and honour-homo homosexuality and transgender in the role of the 'two-spirit' person (sometimes formerly known equally berdache). The 'two-spirit' is a sacred human or woman who mixes gender categories by wearing wearing apparel of opposite or both sexes …. And frequently engaging in same -sex relations. … In many Native American cultures, certain animals are also symbolically associated with two-spiritedness, often in the grade of creation myths and origin legends relating to the first or "supernatural" 2-spirit(s)….A Zuni creation story relates how the first two spirits-creatures that were neither male nor female person, yet both at the aforementioned time-were the twelve offspring of a mythical brother-sister pair. Some of these creatures were human, but one was a bat and some other an old buck Deer.

Dr. Bagemihl applies this androgynous myth, so widespread in today'south homosexual movement, to the animal kingdom with the help of Indian and aboriginal mythology. He invites the West to embrace "a new paradigm:"

Ultimately, the synthesis of scientific views represented by Biological Exuberance brings us full circle-back to the manner of looking at the world that is in accordance with some of the most ancient indigenous conceptions of animate being (and human) sexual and gender variability. This perspective dissolves binary oppositions….Biological Exuberance is…a worldview that is at once primordial and futuristic, in which gender is kaleidoscopic, sexualities are multiple, and the categories of male and female are fluid and transmutable.


In conclusion, the homosexual movement'south attempt to establish that homosexuality is in accordance with human being nature, by proving its "beast homosexuality" theory, is based more on mythological beliefs and erroneous philosophical tenets than on science.


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