
Why the race to deploy 5G networks matters to Microsoft

5G, in simplest terms, is the fifth generation of wireless technology. 1G was the voice-focused generation which supported phone utilize from anywhere. 2G brought messaging or curt text capabilities. 3G gave us the data network speeds that helped button smartphone evolution. 4G introduced data capacities that support a diverseness of modern devices and services. 5G is a leap in wireless tech that promises much higher speeds, far broader chapters and a platform for a variety of new computing scenarios.

As more devices become connected, the current infrastructure is incapable of ensuring connectivity. 5G, using high-frequency millimeter waves "creates spectrum space" to accommodate the billions of devices expected to go connected in the near futurity. Many carriers including T-Mobile, Sprint, AT&T, China Mobile, Vodaphone Group and Verizon, are racing to roll out 5G networks between this twelvemonth and 2022.

As carriers and cablevision companies push button 5G networks in dozens of cities and device makers like Asus, HTC, LG, Sony, Xiaomi and others commit to 5G devices, what does all this mean for Microsoft'southward connected computing strategy?


Qualcomm provides the technology that powers most of the mobile industry. The company'due south success is rooted in a model to invest in technology early and reap the benefits v to 10 years later. It has invested years and billions of dollars in building 5G infrastructure in a long-term program to reap the benefits of what may be a bound in wireless technology.

Qualcomm envisions 5G as a revolutionary platform that will enable more powerful and proactive artificial intelligence (AI), more applied augmented reality (AR), intelligent imaging for greater content creation, advanced security and more. 5G will let IoT devices to communicate and connect with each other. These devices will no longer be network endpoints, but a unified platform of devices that communicate with each other. Furthermore, they will be able to learn about users via AI and act proactively to attain tasks involving other devices without whatsoever human intervention.

In a comprehensive approach, Qualcomm too built the X50 5G modem that was designed from the footing up for the side by side generation of 5G continued devices. Carriers are complementing this push with their efforts to scroll out 5G networks.

5G in the making

5G networks won't meet its full potential out of the gate. Currently, the 5G that is rolling out or being planned for rollout may handle part of a carrier's network while other portions like vocalisation remain supported on 4G for example. There volition be a simultaneous implementation of older and 5G tech in the near term.

Furthermore, every company that is building 5G networks is doing so based on what works for them. There is no strict roadmap and set of rules dictating an altruistic uniformity for a universal 5G platform. Consequently, there may be some companies boasting they have 5G though a bulk of their network infrastructure is nevertheless 4G. Also, some cablevision companies volition provide wired 5G but non mobile 5G.

Yet, 5G is coming, and Microsoft's investments depend heavily on this tech.

Microsoft and 5G

Microsoft'due south vision for the future revolves around connectivity. From cloud investments that provoked a company-wide reorg, to always connected PCs, ubiquitous computing, IoT, and AI, 5G is core to the success of Microsoft's vision.

Equally a platform company Microsoft, like Qualcomm, sees an interconnection between all personal computing experiences. Thus, Microsoft's ubiquitous computing vision (where calculating happens all around united states of america) is founded on the fact that IoT hardware, powered by cognitive services volition be able to interact with humans from everywhere. The ambient computing experience requires billions of IoT devices on high-speed mobile networks capable of treatment the intense information AI will require for these scenarios. For this 5G is key.

Microsoft and Qualcomm brought total Windows to ARM, while other Microsoft partners brought other forms of always-connected PCs to marketplace. Full Windows PCs on the cellular roadmap challenges the mobile OS-axial model that currently dominates mobile computing. Microsoft has also pushed Windows' evolution as a "mobile" platform by enabling users to purchase information from carriers directly Windows store. 5G connectivity is an important gene in the PCs evolution as form-shifting, always-connected devices of various shapes and sizes. Surface Andromeda may represent an intersection of a pocketable Windows PC and 5G.

Microsoft's connected car platform will benefit from 5G.

Remote healthcare and connected cars are also areas Microsoft has invested in. Both are mission disquisitional scenarios that 5G enables due to its chapters to manage the vast amounts of data, and security required to support these platforms. AI, which is also a central factor made more efficient on these intelligent edge scenarios. It is a disquisitional part of facilitating these and many other scenarios in which Microsoft is investing.

Microsoft has demonstrated telepresence (projecting holograms of people to remote locations) and remotely assisting others via augmented reality (AR) and HoloLens. 5G would let faster and more than robust information transfers for richer holographic and more than efficient real-fourth dimension interactions. Virtual reality (VR) shared VR experiences are likewise mixed reality experiences 5G would enhance.

5G with a purpose

For Microsoft, 5G isn't a buzzword. It is the means past which Redmond's personal computing, deject, IoT, ubiquitous computing, AR and always-connected PC vision will be manifest. Current network speeds and capacities are not adequate to support what Microsoft sees equally computing's futurity. Microsoft'due south strategy is to leverage the intelligent edge powered by low-latency 5G equally a speedy and robust portal to its cloud (Azure), "the world'southward computer".

5G promises to efficiently connect billions of more than devices and convey and process vast amounts of data. Microsoft wants all of these devices and data continued to its intelligent border and cloud.

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