
Cold Porcelain Flowers For Cake Decorating

In the age of technological progress, whenthe industry overflows counters with goods and there are no problems with the acquisition of finished products, a person wanted to create with his own hands. And the Internet connects all creative people in the community. So, there were many needlewomen who were carried away by cold porcelain. The products that they produce and demonstrate on their pages on the Internet are very beautiful. A flower from cold porcelain or from polymeric clay is sometimes impossible to distinguish from a living one!

Interesting hobby

Nobody argues that for such creativityyou need to have the ability to draw and sculpt. But who said that this can not be learned? The first products enough to do on the proposed master classes. When the possession of technology comes, the ability to mix colors and understand the behavior of the material, then ideas will come for further creativity. It's easiest to buy ready-made polymer clay and try it in business. But still, flowers from cold porcelain are more beautiful.

flower from cold porcelain

Today, on the Internet, manyneedlewomen demonstrate their talent and products created by them. Seeing this, I want to try to do something like that. A hobby will require some tools and materials. It:

- devices with different tips;

- gurney for dough;

- forms for cutting out;

- wire of two kinds;

- Floral tape;

- scissors.

flowers from cold porcelain

To make a white rose that does not differ from a live one, a special form will be required. On it petals are rolled: they become as much as possible similar to pink ones.

Recipe for homemade material

You can buy ready, or you can cookown hands cold porcelain. Flowers, the master-class of which are described below, are molded from a homemade mixture. In order to prepare porcelain at home, the following materials are required:

- starch, maybe corn;

- PVA glue;

- oil for children "Johnsons baby";

- vinegar or lemon juice;

- Greasy cream for hands.

Starch and glue is taken for 240 grams, the remaining ingredients - 2 tablespoons or 50 grams.

cold porcelain own flowers

Sequence of preparation

All the ingredients are mixed in a bowl and placedin the microwave for 30 seconds. Then mix the mixture and mix it well. The action is repeated three times. The last time the mixture will become so thick that it can hardly be stirred.

cold porcelain modeling of flowers

In this state, it is transferred to the cuttingThe board, greased with a fat cream, and carefully knead to elasticity. This is how cold porcelain prepares by its own hands. Flowers and other products from it do not need to be heated or dried under special conditions: they dry out in the open, in the air.

cold porcelain own flowers

Therefore, care should be taken to ensure thatthe prepared mass did not lie in the open before modeling. The finished product is hermetically wrapped in a film and stored in a refrigerator. To sculpt a flower from cold porcelain, it is enough to take a small portion of the material. The rest is closed and placed again in the refrigerator. There are several recipes for the preparation of the mixture, but this is the optimal and easy to manufacture.

m cold porcelain flowers

MK: cold porcelain, flowers

Finished material is white. But for molding products you need to give it a certain color. You can use oil paints for this. Some needlewomen add color to porcelain, adding to it cosmetic means: blush, shadows. In a small amount of the mixture, a little dye is added and well mixed, so that the color becomes even and the desired shade. In its consistency, it resembles plasticine, but which solidifies.

molding flowers from cold porcelain

When ready cold porcelain, molding flowersoccurs very quickly. For this purpose, a preform is made from wire, napkins and PVA: a bud for a future rose. Around it will be applied rose petals. Before the beginning of the work, the hands are heavily lubricated with cream.

cold porcelain flowers master class

Modeling the petals of the rose

A small piece of mass is picked off androlls in the palms of your hands. Then it kneads, the desired shape is given, the excess is cut off. Using the tool with a round tip, the edge of the petal is smoothed. It is made thin: much thinner from the edge than in the middle. The molding of flowers from cold porcelain is a painstaking and demanding job.

flowers from cold porcelain

You can make the tool yourself: A bead is put on the tip of a wooden skewer, which will play the role of a stack. The resulting small petal is smeared with glue and applied to the workpiece. Excess glue wipes. It is necessary to make a few small petals, which completely cover the bud.

molding flowers from cold porcelain

Next turn from large, blossomingpetals. They will be of medium size and they should be glued so that they go one on top of another. The upper ones are the largest petals, for them a cake of a larger size is rolled. They are also brought to the condition with beads.

flowers from cold porcelain

If there is a relief shape, then it is on it. Or you just have to put the notches. A flower from cold porcelain is collected, and it should be sent to dry. It is recommended to place the rose head down, hanging it on a wire stalk.

flower from cold porcelain

Stalk and green leaves

To make out the so-called greens,mass of green color. It can be purchased, you can add a little paint to your white porcelain and knead it to a uniform color distribution. For the leaves there are special molds, they can be applied.

cold porcelain modeling of flowers

Rolls on a grease-dried cream, a layerthickness 1 - 1.5 mm. With the aid of a mold, the leaves are squeezed out. On them it is necessary to make notches and give the appearance of real, living leaves. Making flowers from cold porcelain, it is necessary to stock up and a thin wire on which greens will be stuck. The wire turns into a prepared floral tape. The tip is smeared with glue and pressed into the porcelain leaf. Surplus of glue is wiped with a napkin. Then the leaf is attached to the rose stem.

cold porcelain modeling of flowers

Some needlewomen use the workelements from artificial colors: press the sheet to the porcelain to print the relief and the leaf looked realistic. The form is given to them by means of a stack. When all the details are attached to the stem, it should be completely wrapped with floral tape and hide all the fastenings.

cold porcelain modeling of flowers

Flower from cold porcelain

The finished product should be left to dry. When the rose dries, it can be varnished. But I want to note that living flowers do not have shine. Therefore, lacquer can give out their artificial origin. The finished product can be left as it is, with a matte surface. It all depends on what these flowers are for. If you put it in a vase, not everyone will understand that this product is fashioned from artificial material. For decorative use, varnish.

flower from cold porcelain

Having prepared several roses of different sizes, one can make a beautiful decorative bouquet from them. To do this, add bows of satin ribbon and gather a bouquet, which is beautifully connected.

Different kinds of flowers

There are several recipes forto cook at home cold porcelain. Flowers, the master-class creation of which is described above, is just the beginning of an interesting hobby. Having mastered the technique and all the nuances, the master can no longer stop: there are a lot of flowers in nature and everyone wants to capture in fine china!

In addition, the hobby will always help to solvea gift problem: because to the products of porcelain, no one remains indifferent. And what is done by themselves - these are exclusive works. It is difficult to repeat the flower made: each turns out to be special.

flowers from cold porcelain

An additional recipe for china

Many people use the first version of the recipe. But some of them produce a mass that is not elastic enough or crackles when it dries. Therefore, you can use another way of cooking porcelain, two ingredients in which remain unchanged. This is cornstarch and PVA glue. They are taken in equal quantities: for a full portion - 250 grams. To the mixture is added 50 grams of glycerin and 50 grams of vinegar or citric acid. All is stirred and heated in a water bath with constant stirring.

When the mixture cools down a little, it can beknead until elastic. The board and hands should be greased with a thick cream. As in the first case, the finished mass is hermetically wrapped in a film and stored in a cool place.

The beautiful flowers that come from thismaterial, can decorate the dwelling, making it in its own stylish and original. Gradually, needlewomen begin to make amazing bouquets of different types of flowers: made up of a bunch of lilacs or autumn asters. It can be whole compositions, which are composed according to the rules of floristic art. Passion for porcelain is a beautiful and original hobby.

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Cold Porcelain Flowers For Cake Decorating


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